Still More of Haiti

Back in March I had the chance to go with some folks from Haiti Health Ministries to Port Salut. Remember our map? If you look to the far southwest of the country, you will see Les Cayes. Go even farther south and just a little bit more west and you will see Port Salut pretty close to the tip of that southern peninsula.


Jean Jean’s cousin has a house in Port Salut that is beautiful!






But the view is even more spectacular!




After a nice evening settling in and eating some yummy lasagna (thanks, Jenn!), we spent the next day at the beach.

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Marie and I had fun snorkeling. We saw some pretty cool stuff! We swam, sat in the sun, and ate a yummy lunch of fish, bannann peze (friend plantains), and pikles (a spicy cole slaw) right on the beach.

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In the middle of a nice, long walk along the beach, talking and looking for cool rocks, shells, and sea glass…

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…the sky opened up and poured down rain. Can you believe it?! I actually had goosebumps in Haiti!

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But the sun came out again, and we wrapped up the afternoon playing frisbee with some boys on the beach.

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After all that rain, the drive back up the hill to the house was a little rough. But Jenn is a good driver! We had a fun night eating “snacky dinner” and watching “Top Gun.” 🙂

To give the roads a bit more time to dry up, we decided to have our own time of worship, devotions, and prayer at the house. Marie shared from her devotional, Emily used her iPod to lead us in some songs, and we all prayed together. A sweet time…especially surrounded by God’s beautiful creation!

After a big, home-cooked breakfast…

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…we got the house cleaned up and headed out. We stopped in Les Cayes so Jean Jean could visit some of his family and we could see the mission where Jenn used to serve. We got a tour of the school/business there that teaches women how to sew and crochet beautiful aprons, bags, dolls clothes, etc. which they then sell to make a living. Very cool!

A weekend away wouldn’t be complete without…a little more food, right? So we stopped for lunch at the place Jenn says has the best griot (friend pork). It was the best I have had so far. 🙂 Others had lambi (conch). Of course, it came with more bannann peze and pikles.

With our bellies full, our bodies rested, and our spirits refreshed, we headed back to Gressier. Blessed to have had a wonderful weekend in a beautiful place with good friends!


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